Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Committing of Blogging Sins

I have committed all sorts of blogging crimes lately, the first and probably the worst is my complete and utter lack of posts. Now don't get me wrong, I have started and revised and edited quite a number of posts behind the scenes but never got around to finishing them off, polishing them up to a beautiful sheen ready for review and comment. I blame it on my busyness and yes busyness is a word even though it looks and sounds wrong. I won't bore you to death with why I have been busy, because quite frankly it is all relatively boring, sadly I haven't climbed any really tall mountains lately or managed to convince Kim Jong-un to sign a peace treaty but I have been pretty awesome and that's all that matters really. So, I don't dare go back and see the date of my last post, it was probably right before I returned to work after maternity leave which was well over 6 months ago and the sheer fact that I have left many of my avid and committed followers hanging in the lurch for so long makes me feel guilty, but only for a second, I don't have much time to feel such emotions as guilt any more, I am busy involving myself in busyness.

I recently started a post on the topic of Emotional Intelligence, it went down windy roads and into slightly bore you to death territory. I have studied the topic during my Masters Degree and I found it incredibly interesting but was aware that I was probably one of a small few who did find this topic interesting. I was also innately aware that I was wording my post in such a way as to have a few small digs at people (IN GENERAL, don't worry, I am not talking about you) that annoyed me on Facebook.

There was an article written recently on the ten most annoying Facebook users. It was shared on a friends wall, I too subsequently shared it on mine. The top most annoying was the Vaguebooker. The one that wrote status updates to the effect of "shattered" or "I'm literally crying right now" and "can't believe it!". Shattered, what shattered, did you drop something? Crying, but why, do you need a tissue? Can't believe what? God dam what happened? Stop being so elusive, passive aggressive and vague! Aware that my blog post was going down this most annoying of roads I didn't post it but instead I used it as an opportunity to cleanse my mind and allowed the article written by someone else to do the dirty work for me he he he. Now before you go huffing and puffing and blabbering about the pot calling the kettle black or however the hell that stupid saying goes, I admitted below in the comments section of the article, that I was guilty of committing all the crimes. I was no angel and I was not going to be a hypocrite.

Moving on, I am back now and I will try my hardest to be a bit more regular around here. I can't promise the world but what I will promise is to follow this rubbish up with something a bit more light hearted, a little something about a few very funny little ladies that I have recently had the opportunity to learn a bit about.


  1. Dont think so hard about what you are writing woman!! Just write it all down and hit post!!
    If it is therapeutic for you writing your true, unfiltered thoughts and feelings - then it is probably therapeutic for someone else out there to read about them and maybe relate a little too (or a lot!!)
    Get back into it - I miss your posts!!

  2. Oh hey lovely. Nice to hear from you. I plan on writing more. Have been a bit MIA lately.
